Tuesday 13 February 2007

James Auger - Design Interaction Artist

Design interaction artist who currently is a research fellow within the Interaction Design department at the RCA, London.
The aim of this research was to explore technology's effect on human culture, behaviour and experience.
Many of his works are with Jimmy Loizeau.
Some if his/their works include:

Audio Tooth Implant
It was conceived as a project to explore the potential and ramifications of in-body technology (implants).
The press were also lead to believe it was a real product and was promoted as such.

Augmented Animal Series
This project imagines a world where some of man‘s technology has been developed for these animals, tending to some of their specific needs.

eg: methods for turning vermin and pests into entertainers and celebrities to enhance chance of survival.

This extreme telecommunication concept blocks out peripheral sensory stimulation and distraction, allowing the wearer of the Iso-Phone helmet to focus fully on the phone call.
The only sensory stimulus present is a two-way voice connection to another person using the same apparatus in another location.

Social Tele Presence
"The original premise behind the early projects was that human evolution is not fast enough to keep up with technology; we are therefore in some cases the limiting factor, a hindrance to further development both physiologically and psychologically. An example of this is travel sickness."
"Social Tele Presence allows the body to exist in dangerous or inhospitable physical environments."
" I imagined MPs and strip joints or blind dates for the chronically shy. The other service was parasitical tourism, achieved by attaching the camera to people in a different social circle to your own, a bit like Being John Malcovich."
Onion Card
"The onion card allows the user to ‘peel’ away layers of information about themselves, allowing or denying access to a homepage or storage point of personal information."
"The codes remaining on the card act as passwords to the
pages holding information about the owner."
"Imagine a first meeting between two people. respect for the other person could by shown by giving them access to your whole web–site. interesting imbalances would be created with the exchange of unbalanced cards."
Interesting writings available on the works

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